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About me

Hello, I’m Caroline. Four years ago, whilst on maternity leave with my second child and drowning in a sea of nappies and fighting sleep deprivation, I took the bold decision to start my business from home.


I used to be of the opinion that you only worked from home if you were either snowed in or the motorway network had ground to a halt. What kind of business could you possibly run from your house?


A global business – that’s what!


After receiving some information my interest began to grow. After all, if other people could build a successful business from home, why couldn’t I?


It was exciting to discover a business that enabled me to continue to be a hands-on mum to my two children yet build something substantial for me and my family. I’d looked at other traditional business ideas but they all required large financial investment, time, and lacked flexibility.


Fast-forward four years and I’m a professional network marketer, my own boss and mostly working from home.

I get to choose hours that suit me so I can be a mum who doesn’t have to worry about childcare or miss out on special school events.


I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning a new profession, the journey I’ve been on and the fantastic network of new people I’ve met along the way. If I’m not supporting people to look and feel their best I’m coaching people to build their own successful business – win, win!


Did I know the ‘Business in a Box’ was going to take me on this journey and enable me to achieve all I have in such a short space of time?

Not in a million years! I’m so grateful that I decided to go for it, grab the opportunity and figure out the ’how’ after :)

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